To get an estimated tax credit amount that you qualify for, you’ll need to enter some information about you and your family. The information you entered is not stored, nor does it commit you to enrolling in coverage through Your Health Idaho.

The more information you provide, the more tailored the plans will be to best meet your needs

Basic information you’ll need:

  • Your zip code
  • Birthdays for household members to be enrolled
  • Annual household income

 Click Check for Savings and you will see your estimated tax credit.

Click Next to answer a few healthcare needs questions which will provide the most cost-effective plans based on the usage of your coverage.

Toggle at the top of the page to see Health and Dental plans and add additional filters on the left side of the page. You can select the plan that best fits your needs and then click Next: Register to create an account or log in if you already have one.

The results provided from this tool are an estimate only. The only way to see what you are eligible for is to create an account and complete an application. The comparison tool provides information about your options. It is not an endorsement of any specific health plan or health insurance company. Check with your doctors directly before enrolling to make sure they accept the coverage.

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