All active Your Health Idaho Requests For Proposals (RFPs) or Request For Applications (RFAs) will be posted on this page when they are available. Past procurements can also be found below. Any inquiries regarding the RFP/RFA should be emailed to the corresponding email found in the relevant document.

For a copy of Your Health Idaho’s Procurement Policy approved by the Board on October 30, 2013, please click here.

There are no open RFPs at this time

Request for Application: Enrollment Services

Contact Center as a Service (CCaas)

IT Project and Vendor Support Services

MARS-E v2.0 Security Assessment Report (SAR) RFP

Real Estate Services

Audit Services

MARS-E v2.0 Security Assessment Report (SAR) RFP

Outreach Services RFP

Public Affairs Support Services RFP

Agent Training and Support Services RFP

Print Notice Vendor RFP

Creative Services RFP

Security Assessment Report Services

Audit Services

Enrollment Entity Services

Case Management System

Investment Advisory Services

Privacy Assessment Services

Enrollment Entity Services for Your Health Idaho

Short Term Data Entry Passive Renewal Project

IT Support Services

MARS-E NIST 800-53 Assessment

Response to Questions:YHI MARS-E Assessment RFP Questions Answers


Program Management Office (PMO) Services

Phase 2 Technology Solution

Outreach & Education

Contact Center/Consumer Assisters

Negotiation Support Services

Insurance Plan and Rate Browsing Tool

Request for Application: Enrollment Services

Request for Application

Request for Application

Request for Application: Enrollment Services

Request for Application: Enrollment Services

Request for Application: Enrollment Services

Request for Application: Enrollment Services

Request for Application: Certified Application Counselor Services